Are you sure you want to delete this form?
Are you sure you want to archive the selected Templates?
Are you sure you want to delete selected Templates?
Are you sure you want to delete this row?
Are you sure you want to clear this row?
Are you sure you want to clear ALL rows from this table?
Are you sure you want to delete ALL rows from this table?
Are you sure you want to change this column cell type? Any existing forms using the previous cell type
will not display data in the register view or exports.
Are you sure you want to change this cell type? This may cause confusion with existing forms in the
register view or when exporting.
Are you sure you want to archive the selected Templates? Note: Archiving templates that are deployed to
team folders will also archive the deployed templates.
You are about to delete a template which is being used across multiple project teams. This action is
permanent and will delete all forms saved using this template. Are you sure you want to delete?
You are about to apply changes to a template which is being used across multiple project teams. This
action will update this template for all teams. Are you sure you want to save these changes?
You need to save before you can clone this form
You need to save before you can send this form as a PDF
Are you sure you want to sign?
Note: Signing will save the changes made
Save and sign
You need to save before you can attach a PDF to this form
Save and attach
Are you sure you want to reset the signatures?
Save and reset
Would you like to save your changes before making more changes?
You can only access active project folders by toggling to the active tab at the bottom of the sidebar.
User does not have access to any team/project in this workspace.
You do not have access to this folder
You do not have access to the folder in the URL link. You've been redirected to the next accessible folder
in this workspace
You need to save before you can download this form as a PDF
Would you like to save your changes before printing?
Delete field
Are you sure you want to delete this field?
Fields used in the form thumbnail will also be removed.
Fields used to sort forms will also be removed, and forms will default to being sorted by creation date.
Fields used in form thumbnail and to sort forms will also be removed. Forms will default to being sorted
by creation date.
Are you sure you want to update this field?
Fields used in the form thumbnail will also be removed.
Fields used to sort forms will also be removed, and forms will default to being sorted by creation date.
Fields used in form thumbnail and to sort forms will also be removed. Forms will default to being sorted
by creation date.
Are you sure you want to delete this Rule?
Are you sure you want to remove this condition?
Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?
Are you sure you want to delete the selected forms?
The selected forms were deleted successfully.
An error occurred while attempting to delete the selected forms.
Are you sure you want to sign this form?
New Template created.
Template deleted.
Template updated.
Your template update is being processed, please wait a few minutes until the changes are deployed
Changing the List source will clear any logic rule settings. Are you sure you want to continue?
Template type cannot be changed, you will need to Clone this Template to change it to a Workflow or
This cell contains prefilled text, which can only be changed by editing the template.
New document created.
Document updated.
Document Saved.
An error occurred while updating the document.
Document deleted.
Document cloned.
Your new password has been saved.
We're having troubles, please contact the support team in the bottom right corner.
Cannot connect. Please check your internet connection and firewall settings. To learn about
troubleshooting this issue:
Click here
Unable to upload signature. Please check your internet connection and firewall settings.
You will be logged out
Add Template
Edit Template
Preview Template
Fields Editor
Mobile Apps
Web Preview
Are you sure you want to delete this action?
Action deleted successfully!
Unable to delete action. Please try again.
Action saved successfully!
Action updated successfully!
Action reset successfully!
Action reset unsuccessful.
Unable to save changes. Please try again.
No actions have been added to this column yet.
Feature access settings updated successfully!
An error has occurred when trying to update settings. Please try again.
Sign up to download this template
Sign up to save your edits
Sign up to download
Sign up to save
Sam has finished processing
The logo and brand settings for this workspace are located in your Home Folder > Settings.
This information is variable, based on the template settings and the folder where the form is created.
This information is variable, and is generated automatically when the form is exported as a PDF.
This information is predefined, and is the same on every form.
Single line text
Multi line text
Prefilled text
Date time range
Date range
Single date time
Single date
Expiry date
Yes/No with text
Yes/No/NA with text
Multiple choice
Default table
Prefilled table
Scan Sitemate ID
Sign manually
Approval signature
Photos (S)
Photos (M)
Photos (L)
Page break
Single Person
Table name
This field displays the same date and time regardless of the user's timezone.
This field displays the date and time adjusted to the viewing user's timezone.
List property is currently not supported for prefilled tables. Switching the table type will remove the
list property columns in the table.
Are you sure you want to update this table to a prefilled table?
This list property cell contains data that can only be updated by editing the list.
Are you sure you want to delete this location capture?
Unlock more Location Fields
Contact us to upgrade your subscription plan and enable up to 20 Location fields within your Templates.
You have exceeded the Location field limit for your plan type.
This template contains excess fields that exceed the supported plan limit. Please remove the excess
Unlock Prefilled Images in your form header!
Contact us to upgrade your subscription plan and enable prefilled images in the form headers.
Click ‘Extend first cell type to all rows’ to update all of the rows and values in this specific column to
match the first row cell type.
Template ID
Template Version
Form Version
PDF Creation Date and Time
PDF Page Number
PDF Export Disclaimer
Prefilled Text
Prefilled Image
Type number...
Template Name cannot be blank or have slashes.
Template ID cannot be blank or have slashes.
Form Name cannot be blank or have slashes.
Template name is required.
Template ID is required.
Form name is required.
Template ID has been used.
Template type is required.
Missing User
The selected person is no longer an active Dashpivot Account User.
You cannot upload attachments in a form preview
You cannot delete attachments in a form preview
You cannot add photos in a form preview
You cannot delete photos in a form preview
You cannot use signatures in a form preview
You cannot add sketches in a form preview
Are you sure you want to delete the selected photos?
Are you sure you want to delete this photo?
Photo deleted.
Photos deleted.
There are files still being uploaded. Are you sure you want to stop the uploading and leave?
Uploading selected entries, please wait...
Add photo tags
Select the photo tags you wish to add to the selected photos. Maximum selection of 10 tags.
Photo tags applied successfully!
Unable to add photo tags.
New Photos uploaded
New forms created
Are you sure you want to remove access for the selected user?
Are you sure you want to remove access for the selected users?
Contributor removed successfully.
Contributor added successfully.
Visitor removed successfully.
Visitor added successfully.
Contributor permissions updated successfully.
Visitor permissions updated successfully.
The List Name is the title of your list.
The List Name is the title of your list.
Choose whether lists are populated or stay empty when deployed to a project folder. This setting applies
to single, bulk, or auto-deploy child lists from templates.
List settings saved successfully
List settings save unsuccessful
List item added successfully!
List item not added. Please try again.
Deployed Empty
Deployed Populated
New list created.
Unable to create list. Please try again.
List item colours applied successfully!
Unable to apply list item colours.
Are you sure you want to archive the selected lists? Note: Archiving lists that are deployed to project
folders will also archive the deployed lists.
Are you sure you want to archive the selected lists?
Are you sure you want to delete the selected lists? Note: Deleting lists that are deployed to project
folders will also delete the deployed lists.
Are you sure you want to delete the selected lists?
List(s) have successfully been archived.
Unable to archive selected list(s).
List(s) have successfully been restored.
Unable to restore selected list(s).
List(s) have successfully been deleted.
Unable to delete selected list(s).
Are you sure you want to delete the selected list(s)?
Are you sure you want to archive the selected list items?
Note: Archiving list items that are deployed to project folders will also archive the list items and any
associated list properties.
Are you sure you want to archive the selected list items?
Note: Archiving list items will also archive any associated list properties.
List item(s) archived successfully
List item(s) archive unsuccessful
You are about to delete a list row which is being used across multiple project teams deployed list. This
action is permanent and will delete the list item and any associated properties in all deployed lists.
Are you sure you want to delete?
This action is permanent and will delete the list item and any associated properties.
Are you sure you want to delete?
List item(s) deleted successfully
List item(s) delete unsuccessful
List item(s) undeployed successfully
List item(s) undeploy unsuccessful
List item(s) restored successfully
List item(s) restore unsuccessful
Are you sure you want to delete this item?
Are you sure you want to delete this item?
Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?
List item deleted.
Choose whether lists are populated or stay empty when deployed to a project folder. This setting applies
to single, bulk, or auto-deploy child lists from templates, and can always be changed later in the list
List deployment updated successfully.
Unable to deploy list.
Lists deployed successfully.
Unable to deploy lists.
Lists undeployed successfully.
Unable to undeploy lists.
Notification settings saved.
The provided company does not match the property provided for this action.
The provided project does not match the property provided for this action.
Successfully unsubscribed.
Add List
Edit List
New List
The colour that is applied to list item will be displayed in forms, register view and PDF exports.
List name is required.
Once a property type is selected, it is fixed and cannot be changed.
List property field limit reached in this template. The cells that contain list property will clone over
as text cells.
Property columns required for CSV upload
This list has no property values. Uploading a CSV with no property values will only upload the first
column of the CSV. Please populate the list with property values if you wish to upload more than one
Invalid formatting detected in CSV upload
Continuing the upload will result in leaving cells with invalid formatting blank. Are you sure you want to
continue with the CSV upload?
Team Photo Tags
Project Photo Tags
Customisable photo tags help you keep your photos organised and easy to find. Project photo tags will
appear in every team folder with a project folder, but they can only be created and edited via the Project
Customisable photo tags help you keep your photos organised and easy to find. Team photo tags only will
appear in the specific team folder where they're created.
No project photo tags have been created yet.
No team photo tags have been created yet.
New Tag Group
Add Tag Group
Edit Tag Group
New tag group created.
Are you sure you want to delete this tag group?
Tag group deleted.
Tag group updated.
Project Alignment
By uploading a KML file of your project alignment, you'll be able to see where your photos were taken
relative to that alignment, for any photos uploaded to a team folder within this project folder. When
viewing a photo, the alignment will appear in the map panel on the left side of the screen.
Alignment deleted.
Are you sure you want to delete this alignment?
New alignment created.
Invalid activation code.
Your Dashpivot invitation is no longer valid.
Are you sure you want to delete this signature? This operation cannot be reverted.
Are you sure you want to remove this signature?
Are you sure you want to remove your signature?
Are you sure you want to edit your signature?
Edit Signature
Are you sure you want to remove the Signature?
Unable to upload signature. Please try again.
User profile saved successfully.
Password saved.
Add Project
Edit Project
Are you sure you want to delete this project?
Project deleted.
New workspace created.
Workspace deleted.
Add Team
Edit Team
Are you sure you want to delete this team?
Team deleted.
New folder created successfully!
Folder name updated successfully!
Domains should be more than one for joint venture workspaces
Non-business email domains are not allowed
Invalid domain
A joint venture domain must be specified for joint venture workspaces
The joint venture domain cannot be the same as a parent domain
At least two parent domains must be specified for joint venture workspaces
Parent domains cannot be the same as the joint venture domain
Toggle on to restrict Dashpivot Visitors and Sitemate Paid Users from being added.
Feature Access
Global Billing
Dashpivot Billing
Dashpivot Usage
Workspace settings updated.
Workspace settings could not be updated.
A background process has been triggered and may take a few minutes to complete.
Sitemate Start settings updated.
Sitemate Start settings could not be updated.
Save and download
Save and send
Save and clone
Discard change
Do you want to save your change before leaving?
Do you want to save this form?
Do you want to save this action?
Are you sure you want to leave without saving your change?
Type text
Template ID has been used.
Template ID is required.
Please specify the list items in the table.
Please specify the list in the category.
Unable to save template due to invalid or missing list properties. Please check and try again.
Limit of 3 List property fields exceeded. Please remove the excess fields to save this template.
This template is referencing a list that does not exist in this folder. Please remove the list in order to
save this template.
This template is referencing a list that has been deleted. Please link a new list in order to save this
Please add items in the category.
Template name is required.
This Template contains legacy table column widths and cannot be saved. To save this template, please
replace the legacy widths shown in
and change the width to: S, M, L or XL.
Prefilled tables must contain at least one row
Template needs to have at least one field
Form name is required.
Incorrect number of Approval Signatures. Workflow forms must have 1 less signature than workflow columns.
Approval signature logic error. Input required.
Duplicating actions detected in logic
Duplicating rule detected
Plan type rule limit exceeded
Template history not available prior to July 2020.
This template contains incomplete or invalid logic.
Cannot add logic field into another logic field.
Approval Signatures cannot be placed within Logic blocks.
Please populate the approval signature logic before adding conditional logic.
Conditions within Approval Signature Logic are currently in beta. This feature is only available on
Dashpivot web and not the mobile apps.
Limit of 3 conditional rules exceeded. Please remove excess logic or
Limit of 3 conditional logic blocks exceeded. Please remove excess logic or
Limit of 6 conditional rules exceeded. Please remove excess logic or
Limit of 6 conditional logic blocks exceeded. Please remove excess logic or
Page break fields cannot be placed within Logic blocks.
You do not have the correct Dashpivot subscription plan to use this feature. This logic will not be
applied to workflow forms.
The data from this List is not currently supported with Template Logic, our team is working on allowing
this, please try again next week or contact support if you have any questions.
Unable to apply Approval Signature logic to this signature/workflow, as the number of conditions has
exceeded your current plan limit.
to unlock more conditional rules for approval signature or remove the excess conditions in the Template
The total number of conditional approval signature logic fields you can add into your templates is based
on your subscription plan.
Your plan supports the maximum number of conditional approval signature logic fields in Dashpivot.
Page break cannot be the first field
Page break cannot be the last field
Page break cannot be next to another page break
The first field cannot be a page break field
The last field cannot be a page break field
Updating logo...
Logo uploaded successfully.
Selected logo is too large. Please select an image file which is less than 50Kb.
Template name cannot have slash.
Updating colour scheme...
Colour scheme updated successfully.
Formula error. Please check all formulas.
Form logic applied
Changing your answer will clear the values in the linked logic fields below.
The form has invalid or incomplete data. Please check.
The action has invalid or incomplete data. Please check.
Cannot close completed workflow forms with missing required fields. Please check and then save.
You have not setup your signature. Do you want to setup now?
The email address does not exist. Please check spelling.
Send form as PDF successfully.
Photos moved successfully.
Photos copied successfully.
Are you sure you want to remove this photo?
Are you sure you want to remove all photos?
Please select the items that you want to export.
Some error happened. Cannot export selected items.
You don't have the permission to delete this item.
Please select photos to proceed.
Please input text in the text box before adding it.
Please select the shape you want to delete.
Are you sure you want to delete the background image?
Edit Template Tag
Add Template Tag
New template tag added.
Template tag updated.
Template tag deleted.
Are you sure you want to delete this template tag?
New template tab added.
Tabs are being updated for all company templates, this could take several minutes.
Tabs are being updated for all company templates, this could take several minutes.
Are you sure you want to delete this template tab?
Template added to tab.
Template removed from tab.
Tab label must be unique.
Are you sure you want to remove this template from this tab?
Org controllers can edit this template in the Template Library of your company Home Folder.
This option will download a ZIP folder containing individual PDFs for each form, and original photo files.
Template deployed successfully
Template un-deployed successfully
Template(s) have successfully been Restored.
Unable to restore selected template(s).
Template(s) have successfully been archived.
Unable to archive selected template(s).
Template deployed successfully.
Your template is being deployed. Please wait a few minutes for the changes to be fully applied.
Unable to deploy template
Templates deployed successfully.
Unable to deploy templates.
Templates undeployed successfully.
Unable to undeploy templates.
Are you sure you want to deploy selected templates to this team?
Please select the templates you want to deploy
Register view exported successfully
Register view columns setting saved successfully
This option will export all of the forms selected to an excel file with raw text. Photos, videos, sketches
and signatures will not be shown with this option.
Unable to upload more than one CSV file at a time.
Horizontal tables are only available in app version 19.12 onward
List Property cells and Freeze Panes are not supported in the Dashpivot app or Sitemate app yet.
You can copy and paste data from a spreadsheet into a Text, Number, Time or Date cell above.
You can copy and paste data from a spreadsheet into a Text, Number, Time or Date cell above.
You can move between cells using arrow keys, tab and shift+tab.
This option will download the selected forms into an A3 register PDF, with each form attached at the back
as A4 PDFs.
This option will download the selected forms into individual A4 PDFs.
This option will download the selected forms into an A3 register PDF.
This option will download all of the visible columns in the register view.
This option will download all columns in the register view, including hidden ones.
This option will autofill the data in your CSV and export all of the visible columns in the register view.
This option will autofill the data in your CSV and export all columns in the register view, including
hidden ones.
This cell type is not supported for XS columns
This table contains List Property cells or Freeze Panes which are not yet supported in Dashpivot or
Sitemate apps.
You can now add Location cells in tables.
Are you sure you want to delete the description?
Are you sure you want to remove the tag?
Tag removed successfully.
Description removed successfully.
You will receive email notifications for this column.
You will not receive email notifications for this column any more.
Notification list updated successfully.
Turn on to receive an email notification when a form moves into this column.
Invalid token
You have been subscribed to the personal weekly snapshot email.
You have been unsubscribed from the personal weekly snapshot email.
You have been subscribed to the team weekly snapshot email.
You have been unsubscribed from the team weekly snapshot email.
You have been subscribed to the project monthly snapshot email.
You have been unsubscribed from the project monthly snapshot email.
Copied snippet successfully.
Failed to copy snippet.
Are you sure you want to copy selected templates to this team?
Cannot save until you drag and drop a field into the template.
Dashboard added successfully.
Dashboard updated successfully.
This action is permanent and cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to delete selected dashboards and the
following charts?
Dashboard deleted successfully.
Chart added successfully.
Are you sure you want to delete selected charts?
Charts deleted successfully.
Email invite sent successfully.
List uploaded successfully.
List upload unsuccessful.
Chart updated successfully.
Oops! You need to setup a template containing a default table field before you can setup any charts in
this team.
The id of this column is invalid. Please contact support team.
There should only be up to 2 filters.
Please fill out the filter before you run the chart.
You have invalid input in the form. Please check.
Invalid raw code.
This form has been deleted.
This action has been deleted.
Unable to perform this action. Cloning this logic block will exceed your current plan limit.
The number of fields exceeds the limit. Please remove some fields in order to Hide Raw Code and Save the
Field limit reached for this template. Additional cells will be cloned and set as text cells by default.
You must select at least 1 template to get started.
Are you sure you want to delete this property?
A new version of Dashpivot is available. Press Ok to refresh your browser, and try again.
Upgrade your plan to unlock this feature
Upgrade to a paid plan now to unlock this feature
Single Sign-On (SSO) is now available:
Single Sign-On (SSO) is now available for improved security and convenience:
Unlock Approval Signature Logic
Unlock Conditional Approval Signature Logic
Contact us to upgrade your subscription plan and enable Approval Signature logic to add restrictions to
which user types/permissions can Approval Sign forms and Reset Workflows.
Contact us to upgrade your subscription plan and enable up to 12 Conditional Approval Signature logic to
add restrictions with logic to which user types/permissions can Approval Sign forms and Reset Workflows.
Unlock more PDF Filename Fields!
Contact us to upgrade your subscription plan and allow up to 8 custom fields in your PDF filename.
This custom field is not supported on Standard Plan types.
Unlock Conditional Approval Signature Logic
Contact us to upgrade your subscription plan and enable up to 12 Conditional Approval Signature logic to
add restrictions with logic to which user types/permissions can Approval Sign forms and Reset Workflows.
Contact us to upgrade your subscription plan and increase the number of properties you can add into your
Unlock more List Property Fields
Contact us to upgrade your subscription plan and enable up to 50 List Property fields within your
Please try again, or contact support.
Processing failed
Ready to download
Dashpivot Users
Sitemate Users
Org Controllers
All Other Users
Project Controllers
Project Members
Team Controllers
Team Members
Ongoing Submissions
Sitemate Links
Single Submissions
Learn how to use this for
Method Statements (SWMS/RAMS)
No Contributors have been added in this folder yet.
There are no pending invites for Contributors in this folder.
No Visitors have been added in this folder yet.
There are no pending invites for Visitors in this folder.
Cannot add a Dashpivot Contributor as a Visitor.
Cannot add a Dashpivot Visitor as a Contributor.
Link copied to clipboard
Single Sitemate Links
Ongoing Sitemate Links
Single Submission Sitemate Links can provide anyone with access to submit a single form for one or more
templates, via the Sitemate app without a Dashpivot account.
Ongoing Submission Sitemate Links can provide anyone with access to submit multiple forms for one or more
templates, via the Sitemate app without a Dashpivot account.
Create a Sitemate Link for Single Submissions
Create a Sitemate Link for Ongoing Submissions
Edit Sitemate Link for Single Submissions
Edit Sitemate Link for Ongoing Submissions
Restore Sitemate Link for Single Submissions
Restore Sitemate Link for Ongoing Submissions
is setup as a workflow, which means Sitemate users can only fill out the fields above the first approval
signature. Fields below the first approval signature will be visible in the Sitemate app, but cannot be
filled out. If you’d like those fields to be filled out via the Sitemate app, you should move them above
the first approval signature. Note: these fields can later be filled out in Dashpivot.
contains a ‘Scan Sitemate ID’ field, which cannot be used in forms submitted via the Sitemate app. The
form can still be filled out, but any ‘Scan Sitemate ID’ fields will appear disabled.
contains a ‘Person’ field, which cannot be used in forms submitted via the Sitemate app. The form can
still be filled out, but any ‘Person’ fields will appear disabled.
Workflow Template Detected
Sitemate Scan ID Detected
Person Field Detected
Are you sure you want to archive?
Link archived
Link unarchived
Give your link a name, select which templates to include, and generate the link. You can select up to 20
templates per Sitemate Link.
Limit of 20 templates per Sitemate Link reached.
This Sitemate Link has exceeded the 20 template limit. Please remove excess templates from the selection.
Select all is unavailable because you can only choose up to 20 templates per Sitemate Link.
Welcome to Dashpivot
Thanks for signing up! Below you’ll find a guide we’ve created to help your team setup and use the
This guide will disappear when upgrading from a free trial to a paid plan
Setting up Folders
The first step in organising digital information is to create folder structure that works for your
company, in the sidebar at the top left of the screen. You can learn about the best way to do this for
your company here:
Setting up Company Logo
If you want your forms to look professional online and when exported as a PDF, you'll want to make sure
you upload your logo and set your brand colour. This will appear on every form, chart and PDF you create.
Logo uploaded successfully!
Setting up Lists
The ‘Lists’ section is for standardising asset and maintenance registers, which can be referenced in your
form templates as dropdown menus. Common use cases include lists of employees, plant and equipment,
subcontractors, suppliers, cost codes, work activities and assets.
Using Photos
The ‘Photos’ section is dedicated to organising your team’s photos using time/date-stamps, GPS stamps,
tags, descriptions and markups. You can link photos to forms you fill out in the 'Templates' section.
Setting up Templates
To go paperless and fill out forms electronically online and in the Dashpivot app, you can create form
templates in the ‘Templates’ section. We have free versions available to help you get started, spanning
safety, quality, environmental, commercial docs, and more!`
Using Analytics
The ‘Analytics’ section is used to visualise data being captured in your forms via the ‘Templates'
section. It’s most commonly used to track production, labour, compliance KPIs, and performance.
Adding Users
To provide access to your team, you’ll need to invite them to create a Dashpivot account via the ‘Users’
section. Once setup, they’ll be able to access and create forms, and upload photos.
Using the Mobile App
The Dashpivot app allows you to fill out forms and upload photos on your phone/tablet. It's available for
iOS and Android devices, works offline, has draft mode, autosave, photo markup and photo stamping.
Skip for now
You will be redirected to your identity provider to login via single sign on (SSO) shortly...
You will be redirected shortly...
Let us know more about what you do
Tell us a little about your company, so we can recommend templates and features that will be most useful
to you and your team. You can change this selection later.
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve industries and roles.
Uploading a CSV will replace the existing list items with new list items from the CSV. However, you will
be able to re-add the previous list items from the parent list manually.
Uploading a CSV will overwrite all existing list items and properties, and cannot be undone. Are you sure
you want to overwrite?
Are you sure you want to remove this user’s access to all Sitemate Links in this folder?
Are you sure you want to remove this user’s access to the templates associated with ALL Sitemate Links?
Formulas can now cross-reference multiple tables. Please enable this via the formula bar.
Form thumbnails require at least 1 field.
Duplicated Person Field name detected. Please use unique Field names for Person Fields.
Table cross-referencing is now enabled!
The Template name is the title of your template.
The Template ID is a unique identifier code used to help manage and reference templates.
The Form name is used to denote the type of form being created with this template (eg. diary, checklist,
form, inspection, timesheet, report, request, method statement, record, permit, induction, variation,
order, docket)
Template tabs are used to organise your templates, typically by function (eg. safety, quality,
environment, finance, commercial, plant) and can be created and managed in your Template Library, located
in the Home Folder.
Loading folders...
Folder(s) have successfully been archived.
Folder(s) have successfully been restored.
Folder(s) have successfully been deleted.
Are you sure you want to archive the selected folder?
Are you sure you want to archive these selected folders?
Are you sure you want to archive these selected folders?
Note: Archiving project folders will also archive any team folders it contains.
Are you sure you want to archive the selected folder?
Are you sure you want to archive these selected folders?
Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected folder?
Are you sure you want to permanently delete these selected folders?
Are you sure you want to permanently delete these selected folders?
Note: Deleting project folders will also delete any team folders it contains.
You are now viewing an archived folder.
You are now viewing archived content.
You do not have access to restore a project folder. Please contact your org controller.
Select this form
Deselect this form
Select all forms
Deselect all forms
Expand this form
Contract this form
Table cross-referencing is now enabled!
Input required
Add this workspace to an existing Sitemate Start Account
Create a new Sitemate Start Account for this workspace
Creating additional Dashpivot workspaces is not included on the Standard Plan:
Creating additional Dashpivot workspaces is not included in our Free Trial:
Dashpivot Contributors are internal staff members who have more visibility and control over your processes
(eg. management, supervisors, engineers, technicians).
Sitemate Paid Users can sign off, submit and review forms electronically via the Sitemate App. Typically
for workforce users (eg. operators, labourers) who need ongoing involvement and access to submit forms.
Filename updated successfully!
Unable to update filename. Please try again.
Edit Filename in PDF Downloads
Standard Meta Data
You have exceeded the custom field limit for your plan type.
Hyphen (Default)
lowercase (Default)
Title Case
All filename values will be displayed in lowercase. E.g. jane smith
All filename values will be displayed in uppercase. E.g. JANE SMITH
All filename values will display the first letter of each word in uppercase. E.g. Jane Smith
Custom Fields
Custom Fields:
Delete item?
Are you sure you want to archive this item?
Archive template?
Are you sure you want to archive the selected templates?
Note: Archiving templates that are deployed to team folders will also archive the deployed templates.
Archive folder?
Are you sure you want to archive these selected folders?
Note: Archiving project folders will also archive any team folders it contains.
Are you sure you want to archive the selected folder?
Archive list?
Are you sure you want to archive the selected lists?
Note: Archiving lists that are deployed to project folders will also archive the deployed lists.
Delete item?
Are you sure you want to delete this item?
Delete template?
You are about to delete a template which is being used across multiple project teams.
You are about to delete a template which is being used across this folder.
Delete folder?
You are about to delete project folders.
You are about to delete selected folders.
Delete list?
You are about to delete selected lists. This action is irreversible and will permanently delete selected
lists that are also deployed to project folders.
You are about to delete selected lists. This action is irreversible and will permanently delete these
You can still access the active list items and properties via the active/archived toggle above.
To add items, click 'Add Item' and type to select options from the parent list.
No list items have been archived yet.
Properties are the values contained within your list items.
List items are the values contained within your list.
Change column width?
XS column width only supports Formula, Number, Prefilled Text and Text cells. All other cell types will be
converted to blank text cells.
Are you sure you want to proceed?